A blend of dish soap, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide forms an easy-to-apply paste that can efficiently bleach away stains on your cutting board.
Prepare a paste using 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of dish soap, and 1-2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. The concoction should be spreadable yet not too liquid.
Cover one side of the cutting board thoroughly with the cleaner and let it sit for a few hours, or better yet, overnight.
Remove the cleaner, then wash the cutting board with soap and water, and let it dry completely.
Why does this technique work?
Hydrogen peroxide is a potent bleaching agent that eliminates stains, brightens surfaces, and kills bacteria.
Dish soap tackles any residual grease on the cutting board.
Baking soda, a natural abrasive, assists in dissolving food stains. (It’s also handy for oven cleaning!)
The dense mixture ensures the cleaning agents remain on the cutting board long enough to effectively remove stains.
The Case Against Cleaning Plastic Cutting Boards with Bleach
Many resort to using bleach to cleanse plastic cutting boards due to its ability to eliminate stains and kill germs. However, bleach can pose health hazards and cause surface corrosion.
Bleach, a solution of sodium hypochlorite, is harmful when inhaled, irritating to skin & eyes, and poisonous if ingested.
Being a strong base with a pH of around 12, bleach is corrosive and can damage materials it contacts, including plastic.
Most guides recommending bleach for stain removal advise using it undiluted, contrary to manufacturers’ recommendations. (For instance, Clorox suggests a mixture of 1 tablespoon bleach to 1 gallon of water for food prep surfaces.)
Fortunately, hydrogen peroxide offers a safe, non-damaging alternative for removing stains from plastic cutting boards!
Often referred to as “oxygen bleach”, hydrogen peroxide excels at stain removal, brightening surfaces, and killing bacteria.
Unlike chlorine bleach, hydrogen peroxide doesn’t corrode surfaces and is non-toxic. Post-use, it naturally decomposes into water and oxygen.

How to Naturally Sanitize Plastic Cutting Boards
Plastic cutting boards, being non-porous, are safer for food prep. Still, there might be instances when you want to sanitize your board (e.g., after cutting meat).
Use one of these methods to naturally disinfect a plastic cutting board:
Run the cutting board through the dishwasher on the highest heat setting. The dishwasher’s heating element raises the water temperature beyond what our skin can handle, killing more bacteria.
After washing the board with soap and water, wipe or spray it with white vinegar, followed by hydrogen peroxide. Rinse thoroughly. This two-pronged approach naturally eliminates bacteria on the board, and is as effective as using bleach.
For stain removal and maintenance of your cutting boards, hydrogen peroxide is a green, easy alternative to bleach and store-bought cleaners. It’s the smart, eco-friendly way to keep your cutting boards spotless and appealing!